Table 1: Induction of apoptosis by turmeric, its mechanisms of action, and their respective references.

Mechanisms of action



reduction of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein, and increase of pro- apoptotic Bax protein (dose-dependent effect)

Hepatoma (HepG2) and

breast cancer (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231)

YUE, et al. [7]

Bcl-2 reduction, increase protein Bax and cell apoptosis by activating the PI3K/Akt.

Pulmonary carcinoma


WU, et al. [8]

Reduction of Bcl-2 and transcription factor STAT-3 associated with the cell cycle genes

Glioblastoma cells

SENFT, et al. [9]

Bcl-2 reduction

Metastatic melanoma (A375, FO1, Hs294T, 1106 MEL)

BILL, et al. [10]


Breast adenocarcinoma

IBRAHIM, et al. [11]



PRAKOBWONG, et al. [12]


Thyroid cancer

(K1 cells)

SONG, et al. [13]

Kill SPC-A1 cells (high doses), apoptosis SPC‐A1 cells (small doses)

Cancer cells (HeLa)

SANTOS, et al. [14]

Apoptosis and inhibition of cell proliferation

Hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell lines

ABDEL-LATEEF, et al. [15]

Increased caspase-3 activity, decreased Bcl-2 and PI3K protein expression, and decreased the phospho (p)-Akt protein expression and activated miR-15a expression.

Laryngeal cancer cells


MOU, et al. [16]