Table 1: Difficulties Using Fitbits and Ideas for Success.

Issues Encountered Possible Solution(s)
Inconsistent use Reward students in some way for wearing Fitbit consistently.
Work with the students' teachers to receive help with monitoring use during class.
Provide incentives for the parent/family for the child's consistent participation.
Develop a step contest to encourage activity while wearing the band.
Hold a "closing ceremony" type of celebration to finalize the study where students and families can learn the final step count results and other study information.
Loss of excitement/novelty Limit the amount of time spent wearing the Fitbit.
Let the students know how they are doing: Allow them to watch the process of checking their steps online/on a phone.
Offer bands in more than two colors. There are other styles of Fitbit and other brands similar to Fitbit that offer brighter color bands or bands with fun designs and/or characters.
Distraction at school Wear them only in after-school or at-home interventions.
Cover the portion of the Fitbit where progress is reported during school hours.
Lost Fitbits Incentives for returning the Fitbit in one piece.
Use a less expensive brand to limit the financial impact when bands are lost.