Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of patients with second trimester pregnancy who were included in the study at Saint Paul hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Category   Frequency Percentage (%)
Age (years) < 20 17 16.7
Between 20 and 35 83 81.4
> 35 2 2
Marital status Married 60 58.8
Separated 2 2
Single 35 34.3
Divorced 5 4.9
Place of residency Out of Addis 42 41.2
Addis 60 58.8
Reproductive Performance Multi gravida 52 51
Primigravida 50 49
Religion Orthodox 65 63.7
Muslim 23 22.5
Protestant 14 13.7
Occupation House wife 38 37.3
Private employed 14 14.7
Gov. Employed 17 14.2
Student 16 15.7
Daily laborer 12 11.8
NGO employed 5 4.9
Educational status Primary school 44 43.1
University degree 25 24.5
Secondary school 18 17.6
Unable to read and write 14 13.7