Table 3: Some "verbatims" (literal phrases) in relation to the behaviours of each actor in dyadic consultations.

Behaviour Styles Patients Doctor
1. Proposing - ... this is the paper to do another ... in 6 months ... and whether or not there is difference ...

-I should remember it a little before March 30, when I have the appointment
- ... maybe the first step ... several can be done, we can take a medicine ... and try,
...another possibility, maybe the most sensible, it is do ...

- If you like, we start with that analysis ...
2. Supporting -Sure, of course ... You can not be in two places at once

-Yes, that's what they told me
-Of course, every move ...

-Correct, right, let's ...
3. Disagreeing -No, they've already given it to me ...

-No, metamizole was prescribed for me yesterday by the doctor
- ... but not me. I cannot do it...

- ... that do not the general practitioners, it do the dentists
4. Giving Information -... I had a mammogram and the other day they called me to make another because they saw something ...

- ... I did not know whether to come or not, because I have always been a little delicate, but I have been many years ...
-But come on, do not be alarmed that it is not

-Sometimes the healthy bowel does not work well,
but then you tell me there's burning and reflux, and that's maybe a very different subject ...
5. Seeking Information -...for what is the electrocardiogram?

- ... and the result is here on computers?
-Burning, pain?

-Are you telling me that...?
6. Building - And that is where we load weight and the whole story ... I the other time I came I went to work and up and ...

- ... I also have ... a complete blood test that dermatologist has given me because of the problem I have, because I calculate that...
-Looks like you want to get pregnant ...

-I think the situation is now ...