Table 2: Some "verbatims" (literal phrases) in relation to the behavious of each actor in triadic consultations.

Behaviour Styles Patients Companions Doctor
1. Proposing - ...better pills

- ... so that you do not have to make two when I send it....
- ... to do all tests to me

-Explain it, honey...
-Keep the probe until the urologist sees you

2. Supporting -Of course, they're scaring me

-Yes, yes, indeed, it's better that...
-He already knows ...

-Well, okay, now we'll see how it works ...
-I see it well, the ultrasound ...

-Ok. We are actually seeing ...
3. Disagreeing -No, the allergy would not came back me ...

-No..., that once it happened to me that you gave me a medication that I do not know what it was ... and ...
-No, no; a question...

-No, no, and it's.... It always bugs me on the side
-No, no, I think you can donate...

-Do not take it. This is another different one that I put ...
4. Giving Information -I've been so a long time. I'm taking ... but I still have a lot

-It scares me ...
-Of course, he had to wear it again and they say that we have to see the GP...

-It's been a month since he left with total freedom [from guarded house for delinquent teens], total, and is wrong, his ear hurts a lot ...
- ... I'll explain about these patches. It may be able to relieve some of the pain ...

-It's not very noticeable ..., I found it hard to notice it and in any case it has no gravity
5. Seeking Information - ... they gave me these patches and I did not buy them because ... I'm afraid to wear them ...

-The envelopes I take for the mucus ... have I still to taking them or not?
-And if fever goes more?

-But you'll give me the recipe, will not you?
-For pain do you have something at home?

-You tell me that the pains ...
6. Building - ... not now ... but in the end you will see ...

-... because I wanted and besides which I like..., what I do is sew at home
-It's just that... my father had it inside body ... like a lot of fat ... -... well, although it usually tends to cure alone, but ...

-Then it would be the syrup-okay, you can take three or four times a day