Table 2: Comparison of the variables studied between Covid-19 breakthrough infections and no Covid-19 breakthrough infections in vaccinated people and calculation of relative risks.

Risk factors

COVID-19 breakthrough infections in vaccinated people

N = 30

No  COVID-19 breakthrough infections in vaccinated people

N = 1970

Statistical significance

Relative risk (RR)

= < 65-years

8 (27)

341 (17)

X2 = 1.7961

P = 0.18019. NS

RR = 1.72 (CI 95%: 0.65, 4.52). Moderate risk

= < 18-years


120 (6)

Fisher exact test = 0.2552. NS

RR = 0 (CI 95%

 Infinity, 0). Protection factor effectively


16 (53)

1004 (51)

X2 = 0.0664

P = 0.79672. NS

RR = 1.1 (CI 95%: 0.08, 15.86) Not significant

Social-occupancy class of patients (people with some type of labor specialization)

10 (33)

900 (45)

X2 = 1.675

P = 0.195596. NS

RR= 0.61 (CI 95%: 1.46, 0.25) True benefits

Complex family

1 (3)

600 (30)

X2 = 10.3134

P = 0.001321 Significant at

 p < 0.05

RR = 0.08 (CI 95%:

0.41, 0.02).

Protection factor effectively

( ): Denotes percentages; NS: Not significant at p < 0.05; RR: Relative risk