Table 3: Percentage of chronic medical condition by substance abuse* and by legal status of study population with test of significance.

Medical condition No Never Used Substances Used
Yes Refugees (n = 137) Immigrants (n = 77) P* Refugees (n = 68) Immigrants (n = 68) P*
Recurrent headaches No 62.8 90.9 0.001 70.6 97.1 0.001
Yes 37.2 9.1 0.001 29.4 2.9 0.001
Sleep apnea or Narcolepsy No 46 68.8 0.001 47.1 61.8 n.s
Yes 54 31.2 0.001 52.9 38.2
Arthritis or Rheumatism No 73.7 85.7 0.01 80.9 85.3
Yes 26.3 14.3 19.1 14.7
Lumbago (back disorder) No 46 58.4 0.05 60.3 58.8 n.s
Yes 54 41.6 39.7 41.2
Muscles or Tendons disorders No 54 76.6 0.001 64.7 79.4 0.05
Yes 46 23.4 0.001 35.3 20.6
Depression status No 18.2 46.8 0.001 31 52 0.001
Minor 13.1 27.3 0.001 10 31 0.001
Major 68.6 26.0 0.001 59 18 0.001

*Substance abuse includes: Alcohol and Elicit drugs (Street drugs, Sedative drugs and Stimulants drugs); *P n.s = Not Significant.