Table 1: Result of the measurement of demographic and clinical variables.

Variable Result*
n = 100
Demographic variables
Age, years 49.4 (19.3)
Gender; n (%)
Women 46 (46)
Men 54 (54)
Laboratory variables
Leukocytes, cel/mm3 10,103.0 (4,289.0)
Neutrophils, cel/mm3 8,509.3 (4,216.0)
Lymphocytes, cel/mm3 1112.7 (585.4)
Platelets, cel/mm3 258,548.0 (127,947.2)
Type of COVID-19 pneumonia, n (%)
Mild pneumonia 54 (54)
Severe pneumonia 46 (46)
Hospital outcome, n (%)
Improvement 75 (75)
Death 25 (25)

*Results expressed in means with standard deviation (± DE), except where something different is indicated

COVID-19: Coronavirus Infectious Disease - 19