Table 3: Groups, Means, Standard Deviations of the Study Variables.

Dispositional-realistic pessimism Defensive pessimism Dispositional-realistic optimism
N = 54 N = 151 N = 147
Scale (number of items) M SD M SD M SD
Optimism LOT-R [6] 16.67 2.99 16.13 3.20 27.69 1.31
Physical Functioning [10] 28.35 2.37 28.33 2.90 28.93 2.50
Role Physical [4] 16.78 4.15 17.20 3.78 18.20 2.98
Bodily Pain [2] 8.00 2.24 8.60 2.17 8.93 1.90
General Health [5] 18.06 3.61 18.68 4.21 21.64 2.82
Vitality [4] 12.46 2.97 12.60 3.34 15.70 2.64
Social Functioning [2] 7.63 2.09 8.26 2.08 9.15 1.44
Role Emotional [3] 11.80 3.18 12.24 2.95 14.29 1.43
Mental Health [5] 16.98 3.74 16.99 4.03 21.66 2.10
Physical Health Component [21] 71.19 9.43 72.84 10.48 77.70 7.79
Mental Health Component [14] 48.87 9.86 50.05 10.60 60.80 5.63
Wellness Maintenance and Enhancement Behaviors [10] 27.93 6.87 26.28 6.91 29.63 7.70
Accident Control Behaviors [6] 16.41 4.73 15.79 4.41 17.47 5.08
Traffic Risk Taking [7] 17.30 4.95 17.00 4.79 16.90 4.83
Substance Risk Taking [3] 8.24 3.37 6.79 3.14 6.47 3.02
Preventive Health Behavior [16] 44.33 9.27 42.07 9.63 47.10 11.08
Risk Taking Behavior [10] 25.54 6.38 23.79 6.37 23.37 6.00
Age 32.87 9.73 33.27 10.18 39.60 10.07