Table 4: Cognitive domains and related screening tools.

Cognitive domain

Screening tool


Verbal memory


RAVLT (immediate and delayed)

California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT),

Immediate and delayed

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS)-Logical Memory, immediate and delayed


Visual memory

Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure Test(Rey-O) (immediate and delayed)

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS)-Visual Reproduction, immediate and delayed



WAIS-Digit Span, Forward and Backward

Stroop Part I, Part II

WMS –Digit Span Backward


Processing speed

WAIS-Digit Symbol Substitution

Trail Making Test Part A


Executive function

Trail Making Test Part B

Stroop Part III -Interference

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)-Categories


Motor function

Grooved Pegboard –Dominant hand

Grooved Pegboard- Non dominant hand


Finger Tapping- Dominant hand

Finger Tapping- Non dominant hand