Table 1: The rows contain the main results of each MR examination performed. The first row is for contrast behavior (faint enhancement; absent; inhomogeneous), the second shows ADC values, the third PWI values and the fourth PMRS data (P = pathologic side, N = normal side, H = High, A = absent).
The columns report the time of follow up studies (T0 first control; 1 W = after a week of therapy; 3 W after 3 week of therapy).

Gd enhancement ADC values (mm2/s) PWI PMRS
Ratio P N
T0 Faint 0.57071 × 10-3 rCBV 4.7
rCBF 5
rMTT 0.3
Naa/Cr 3.28 2.8
Cho/Cr 1.86 1.18
mI/Cr 0.33 1.33
Gln/Cr 6.27 2.04
GSH/Cr 2.28 1.43
Lac H A
1 W Absent 0.69793 × 10-3 rCBV 2.5
rCBF 4
rMTT 0.9
Naa/Cr 1.77 2.8
Cho/Cr 2.92 1.16
mI/Cr 1.01 1.16
Gln/Cr 3.71 2.11
GSH/Cr 4.0 1.23
Lac H A
3 W Inhomogeneous 0.150025 × 10-3 rCBV 1.02
rCBF 1.3
rMTT 0.0
Naa/Cr 3.04 2.33
Cho/cr 8.38 1.22
mI/Cr 2.38 1.36
Gln/cr 6.15 1.06
GSH/cr 4.16 0.9
Lac H A