Table 1: Preoperative demographics.



Grup I

 ( n = 42)

Grup II

(n = 44)

p value


Male n (%)

33 (76.7%)

36 (71.5%)

0.080 (2)

Female n (%)

9 (22%)

10 (25.3%)

0.081 (2)

Age mean ± SD

67. 3 ± 13.46

8 ± 14.84

0.087 (1)

PMI n (%)

24 (56.0)

23 (52.9)

0.039 (2)

HLP n (%)

65 (84.5)

74 (81.4)

0.799 (2)

HTN n (%)

20 (46)

16 (34.7)

0.044 (2)

PAD (non-surgical) n (%)

8 (%)

6 (%)

0.043 (2)

Atrial fibrillation n (%)

2 (5.2%)


0.035 (2)

Smoking n (%)

18 (40.3%)


0.084 (2)

Current smoker. n (%)

15 (35.2)

14 (32.3)

< 0.001 (2)

Alcohol use n (%)



0.671 (2)

Serum creatinine mean ± SD

1.2 ± 0.6

1.0 ± 0.9

< 0.001 (1)

BMI (kg/m’) mean ± SD

24.2 ± 0.923

1 ± 1.2

0.565 (2)

Fibrinogen (mg/dl) mean ± SD

293 ± 15.4

260 ± 12.3

0.044 (1)

C-rp (mg/dl) mean ± SD

1.2 ± 0.6

0.8 ± 0.6

0.034 (1)

Preoperative ICA ultrasound 

ICA velocity (cm/sec) mean ± SD

160 ± 60

140 ± 50


Chronic lung disease. n (%)

9 (21.9)

8 (18.2)

< 0.001 (2)

EuroSCORE logistics mean ± SD

2.3 ± 2.0

2.1 ± 2.4

0.0087 (3)

Pearson correlation’s coefficients each pair of variables shown. Asterix denote significiant correlation coefficients (1. P ≤ 0.05, 2. P ≤ 0.01).

HTN: Hypertension; CAD: Surgical coronary artery disease; LMCAD: Left main coronary artery disease; LVEF: Left venrikuler ejection fraction; DM: Diabetes mellitus; HLP: Hyperlipoproteinemia; PMI: Previous myocardial infarction. PAD: Peripheral artery disease; BMI: Body mass index; ICA: Internal carotid artery velocity; C-rp: C-rekatif protein); SD: Standart deviation.

(1) Descriptive level of probability determined by the Student’s t-test; (2) Descriptive level of probability determined by the chi-square test; (3) Descriptive level of probability determined by the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test.