Table 1: High Wall Shear Stress: Summary of hemodynamic pattern, growth rate, and vascular wall changes.


Wall shear stress

Pattern of growth vessel wall changes

Steiger [56]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Fragmentation of Internal Elastic Lamina

Stehbens [48]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Loss of normal phenotype of formation endothelial cells and endothelial damage

Meng [59]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Internal elastic lamina disruption

Medial smooth muscle cells are lost

Reduced vascular smooth

muscle cell proliferation

Decrease in fibronectin

Fukada [61,114]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Fragmentation of endothelial cell plasma membrane

Endothelial cell vacuolization

Endothelial cell damage

with/without nuclear and

cytoplasmic vacuolization

Jamous [115]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Fragmentation of endothelial cell plasma membrane

Endothelial cell vacuolization

Endothelial cell damage

with/without nuclear and

cytoplasmic vacuolization

Wang [116]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Endothelial Cell Loss

Kolega J [80]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Endothelial Cell Damage Endothelial Cell turnover

MMP production by mural cells

Mural Cell Apoptosis

Dolan JM [117]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Endothelial Cell Turnover

Meng H [59]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

ECM degradation

Medial Thinning

Hoi [118]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

MMP production by ECs

Fukada & Aoki [114]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

NF-κB & COX-2 increased

Pawlowska [119]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

IL-1β increased

Taylor, et al., [120]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Migration of SMC from media to intima; change of SMC phenotype from contractile to secretory, w/ MMP production by SMC

Shi & Tarbell [121]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

PDGF & FGF-2 released from SMCs

Papadaki [122]

High WSS

Initiation of CA Formation

Increased tPA production