Table 2: Preinduction, preoperative, 20 min postinduction BP in the three groups (GNT, GTREAT, and GNO TREAT).

Total number of patients GNT GTREAT GNO TREAT P
N 341 203 98 40
MAPpre-op (mmHg) 93 (84-102) 89 (82-93) 102 (93-108) 107 (100-110.5) < 0.0001*
MAPpre-ind (mmHg) 100 (93-110) 96 (89-101) 109 (100-117) 117.5 (110-121) < 0.0001*
MAPpost-ind (mmHg) 86 (73.5-88) 81 (76-88) 87 (79-96) 74.5 (64-90) < 0.0001*
P < 0.0001** < 0.0001** < 0.0001** < 0.0001**

Data are presented as the median (25th and 75th percentiles) and the respective p values of the Kruskal-Wallis* and Friedman’s tests**.

GNT: Normotensive patients; GTREAT: Treated hypertensive patients; GNO TREAT: hypertensive patients without treatment; MAPpre-ind: MAP preinduction; MAPpre-op: Preoperative MAP; MAPpost-ind: MAP 20 min after anesthetic induction.