Table 1: Descriptive statistics for matched sample.

Patient and Procedure Characteristics Low Group (n = 85) High Group (n = 85) p-value
Age, mean (SD) 62.38 (14.05) 64.18 (14.03) 0.41
Sex, male (%) 75.3% 76.5% 1.00
Anemia 0.93
none (%) 76.5% 77.6%
mild (%) 14.1% 11.8%
severe (%) 9.4% 10.6%
Procedure Type 0.57
1. iAVR + iCABG 24.7% 25.9%
2. AVR + another valve +/- CABG 4.7% 3.5%
3. valve-AVR +/- CABG 3.5% 3.5%
4. AVR + any Aortic 31.8% 23.5%
5. valve-AVR + Aortic 3.5% 11.8%
6. Aortic only 17.6% 20.0%
7. CABG + Valve + Aortic 9.4% 9.4%
8. all other cases 4.7% 2.4%

P-values for age calculated using an independent t-test. P-values for sex, anemia, and procedure type calculated using Fisher's Exact Test.