Table 6: Concentrations of selected PAH pollutants in a core sediment section from Site B at 11 cm depth.

S.No Compound Ions, m/z mgkg-1
1. Naphthalene 128 0.65
2. 1-methyla naphthalene 142, 141, 115 158
3. 1,1-biphenyl 154 0.33
4. Acenaphthene 154 0.21
5. 2-ethyla naphthalene 156, 141, 115 1.01
6. 1,2-dimethyla naphthalene 156, 141 0.087
7. 1,8-dimethyla naphthalene 156, 141 0.54
8. 1,4,5-trimethyla 155 0.03
9. 1,4,6-trimethyla 155 0.032
10. 2,3,6-trimethyla 170 0.012
11. Dibenzofuran 168 0.75
12. Anthracene/Phenanthrene 178 1.87
1.87 Fluoranthene 202 1.7
14. Pyrene 202 1.4
15. Triphenylene/Chrysene 228 0.90
16. benz(e) acenaphthene 252 0.91

aalkyl naphthalene isomers referenced by RIs in closest agreement with literature values from reference [12]. PAHs numbered in accordance with order in profile illustrated in Figure 2. .