Table 2: Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry operating conditions for analysis of sediment sample extracts.

1. Gas chromatography Hewlett packard 5890
Carrier gas Helium. Ultra-high purity, 99.9995%; 5 psi
Initial temperature; Time 55 ℃ 2 min
Ramp rate 15 or 20 ℃ min-1
Final temperature; Time 300 ℃ 2 min
Injection volume 1 μl
Injection mode Splitless, hp autosampler model 7673A
Injector temperature 270 ℃
Capillary column J & W DB5-MS 30 × 0.32 mm; Df = 0.25 μm
GC/MS interface temperature 270 ℃
2. Mass spectrometry Fisons instruments trio 1000
Source temperature 250 ℃
Ionisation mode Electron impact
Electron energy 70 ev
Emission current 150-200 μA
Mass scan range 4-550 u
Scan time 0.9 sec
Resolution Unit mass accuracy