Table 2: Comparison of ONOO- and ClO- detection by the synthetized CDs with the indicated by other CDs used in previous literature reports*.

CDs/ONOO- detection Fluorescence characteristics Figures of merit Ref.
Prec./Synt. Φ (%) pH λEX (nm) λEM (nm) LR (µM) LOD (µM) Sensitivity (a.u./µM-1) Selectivity (possible interferents)
Glc, Trp/MW 12 7.4 370 457 5-25 1.5 3 Good# [26]
CA, EDA/MW 40 7/10 360 460 2.5-100 2/2.7 1 Good# [27]
CA, UR/MW 7.5 9 400 522 2.5-100 1.5 8 Good (Fe2+, Fe3+) [10]
CA, UR, Cys/MW/ --- 21 7.4 350 421 2.5-200 1.3 8 Good Our work
(NO, Fe2+, Fe3+)
CDs/ClO- detection Fluorescence characteristics Figures of merit
N-CDs - 7.4 360 448 0.03-15 0 - Good [29]
(Fe2+, HO, TBO.)
Suc, PA/MW 12.0; 14.2; 16.8 5 380; 410; 430 450; 470; 490 0.2-2.0 0 n.p. Good (MnO4-)## [30]
Pep/ACL 19 8 360; 780 430; 470 0.1-10, 10-300 0.05, 0.06 0.0024-0.012 Good### [31]
CA, UR/MW 10 4 360 520 5-200 2 9 Good (Fe2+, Fe3+) [10]
CA, UR, SP/MW 6 7.4 360 441 5-100 1.8 5 Good (Fe2+, Fe3+) Our work

*Prec.-Synthesis precursors; Synt.-Synthesis method; Φ-Quantum yield; λEX-Excitation wavelength at maximum fluorescence intensity; λEM-Emission wavelength at maximum fluorescence intensity; LR-Linear Range; LOD-Limit of Detection; n.p.-not presented; TBO.-Tert-butoxy radical; Glc-Glucose; Trp-Tryptophan; MW-Microwave synthesis; CA-Citric acid; EDA-1,2-Ethylenediamine; UR-Urea; Cys-Cysteine; Suc-Sucrose; PA-Phosphoric Acid; Pep-Pepper; ACL-Autoclave Synthesis; SP-Sodium Phosphate.

#In these refs. the ionic species were not evaluated. In ref. [26] the NO, H2O2, O2.-, in ref. [27] the NO, H2O2, O2.-, HO., NO3-, NO2- and in ref. [29] the H2O2, TBHB, NO, ONOO-, O2.-1 O2, NO2- were evaluated; ##In these refs. Beside the ionic species were also evaluated in ref. [30] the H2O2 and in ref. [31] the H2O2, KClO3, KMnO4, and K2Cr2O4; ###In this reference only ionic species were evaluated.