Table 1: Mesh independence analysis for grid convergence at Reynolds number Re ≅ 2•105: Parameters from the snappyHex-MeshDict dictionaries of the different meshes studied; drag coefficient and percentage difference on the prediction of the drag coefficient with respect to Mesh 1 results as functions of average y+. DC stands for drag counts, to where 1 drag count is equal to a Cd of 0.0001.

Refinement Surfaces Layers Expansion Ratio Final Layer Thickness
Mesh 1 Level (3 4) nLayers 10 1:15 0.3
Mesh 2 Level (3 4) nLayers 15 1:15 0.3
Mesh 3 Level (4 5) nLayers 20 1:15 0.3
Mesh 4 Mesh 3 + refineWallLayer ('airfoil') 0:435
yavg+ Cd(DC) C d  -  C d1 C d  × 100
Mesh 1 1.02 132.60 0.0
Mesh 2 0.577 136.67 3.0
Mesh 3 0.152 139.45 4.9
Mesh 4 0.0649 139.51 4.9